Docker Free Download

Estimated reading time: 14 minutes

  1. Docker Free Download For Windows
  2. Docker Free Download For Mac

Welcome to Docker Desktop! The Docker Desktop for Mac user manual provides information on how to configure and manage your Docker Desktop settings.

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Give feedback and get help. To get help from the community, review current user topics, join or start a discussion, log on to our Docker Desktop for Mac forum. To report bugs or problems, log on to Docker Desktop for Mac issues on GitHub, where you can review community reported issues, and file new ones. So it turns out that the Moby Project has a shell script on the Moby GitHub account which can download images from Docker Hub in a format that can be imported into Docker:; The usage syntax for the script is given by the following: targetdir image:tag@digest.

For information about Docker Desktop download, system requirements, and installation instructions, see Install Docker Desktop.


The Docker Preferences menu allows you to configure your Docker settings such as installation, updates, version channels, Docker Hub login,and more.

Choose the Docker menu > Preferences from themenu bar and configure the runtime options described below.


On the General tab, you can configure when to start and update Docker:

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  • Start Docker Desktop when you log in: Automatically starts Docker Desktop when you open your session.

  • Include VM in Time Machine backups: Select this option to back up the Docker Desktop virtual machine. This option is disabled by default.

  • Securely store Docker logins in macOS keychain: Docker Desktop stores your Docker login credentials in macOS keychain by default.

  • Send usage statistics: Docker Desktop sends diagnostics, crash reports, and usage data. This information helps Docker improve and troubleshoot the application. Clear the check box to opt out.


The Resources tab allows you to configure CPU, memory, disk, proxies, network, and other resources.


On the Advanced tab, you can limit resources available to Docker.

Advanced settings are:

CPUs: By default, Docker Desktop is set to use half the number of processorsavailable on the host machine. To increase processing power, set this to ahigher number; to decrease, lower the number.

Memory: By default, Docker Desktop is set to use 2 GB runtime memory,allocated from the total available memory on your Mac. To increase the RAM, set this to a higher number. To decrease it, lower the number.

Swap: Configure swap file size as needed. The default is 1 GB.

Disk image size: Specify the size of the disk image.

Disk image location: Specify the location of the Linux volume where containers and images are stored.

You can also move the disk image to a different location. If you attempt to move a disk image to a location that already has one, you get a prompt asking if you want to use the existing image or replace it.

File sharing

Use File sharing to allow local directories on the Mac to be shared with Linux containers.This is especially useful forediting source code in an IDE on the host while running and testing the code in a container.By default the /Users, /Volume, /private, /tmp and /var/folders directory are shared. If your project is outside this directory then it must be addedto the list. Otherwise you may get Mounts denied or cannot start service errors at runtime.

File share settings are:

  • Add a Directory: Click + and navigate to the directory you want to add.

  • Apply & Restart makes the directory available to containers using Docker’sbind mount (-v) feature.

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Tips on shared folders, permissions, and volume mounts

  • Share only the directories that you need with the container. File sharing introduces overhead as any changes to the files on the host need to be notified to the Linux VM. Sharing too many files can lead to high CPU load and slow filesystem performance.

  • Shared folders are designed to allow application code to be edited on the host while being executed in containers. For non-code items such as cache directories or databases, the performance will be much better if they are stored in the Linux VM, using a data volume (named volume) or data container.

  • If you share the whole of your home directory into a container, MacOS may prompt you to give Docker access to personal areas of your home directory such as your Reminders or Downloads.

  • By default, Mac file systems are case-insensitive while Linux is case-sensitive. On Linux, it is possible to create 2 separate files: test and Test, while on Mac these filenames would actually refer to the same underlying file. This can lead to problems where an app works correctly on a Mac (where the file contents are shared) but fails when run in Linux in production (where the file contents are distinct). To avoid this, Docker Desktop insists that all shared files are accessed as their original case. Therefore, if a file is created called test, it must be opened as test. Attempts to open Test will fail with the error No such file or directory. Similarly, once a file called test is created, attempts to create a second file called Test will fail. For more information, see Volume mounting requires file sharing for any project directories outside of /Users.)


Docker Desktop detects HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Settings from macOS and automaticallypropagates these to Docker. For example, if you set yourproxy settings to, Docker uses this proxy whenpulling containers.

Your proxy settings, however, will not be propagated into the containers you start.If you wish to set the proxy settings for your containers, you need to defineenvironment variables for them, just like you would do on Linux, for example:

For more information on setting environment variables for running containers,see Set environment variables.


You can configure Docker Desktop networking to work on a virtual private network (VPN). Specify a network address translation (NAT) prefix and subnet mask to enable Internet connectivity.

Docker Engine

The Docker Engine page allows you to configure the Docker daemon to determine how your containers run.

Type a JSON configuration file in the box to configure the daemon settings. For a full list of options, see the Docker Enginedockerd commandline reference.

Click Apply & Restart to save your settings and restart Docker Desktop.

Command Line

On the Command Line page, you can specify whether or not to enable experimental features.

Experimental features provide early access to future product functionality.These features are intended for testing and feedback only as they may changebetween releases without warning or can be removed entirely from a futurerelease. Experimental features must not be used in production environments.Docker does not offer support for experimental features.

For a list of current experimental features in the Docker CLI, see Docker CLI Experimental features.

You can toggle the experimental features on and off in Docker Desktop. If you toggle the experimental features off, Docker Desktop uses the current generally available release of Docker Engine.

You can see whether you are running experimental mode at the command line. IfExperimental is true, then Docker is running in experimental mode, as shownhere. (If false, Experimental mode is off.)


Docker Desktop includes a standalone Kubernetes server that runs on your Mac, sothat you can test deploying your Docker workloads on Kubernetes. To enable Kubernetes support and install a standalone instance of Kubernetes running as a Docker container, select Enable Kubernetes.

For more information about using the Kubernetes integration with Docker Desktop, see Deploy on Kubernetes.


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Reset and Restart options

On Docker Desktop Mac, the Restart Docker Desktop, Reset to factory defaults, and other reset options are available from the Troubleshoot menu.

For information about the reset options, see Logs and Troubleshooting.



The Docker Desktop Dashboard enables you to interact with containers and applications and manage the lifecycle of your applications directly from your machine. The Dashboard UI shows all running, stopped, and started containers with their state. It provides an intuitive interface to perform common actions to inspect and manage containers and existing Docker Compose applications. For more information, see Docker Desktop Dashboard.

Add TLS certificates

You can add trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) (used to verify registryserver certificates) and client certificates (used to authenticate toregistries) to your Docker daemon.

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Add custom CA certificates (server side)

All trusted CAs (root or intermediate) are supported. Docker Desktop creates acertificate bundle of all user-trusted CAs based on the Mac Keychain, andappends it to Moby trusted certificates. So if an enterprise SSL certificate istrusted by the user on the host, it is trusted by Docker Desktop.

To manually add a custom, self-signed certificate, start by adding thecertificate to the macOS keychain, which is picked up by Docker Desktop. Here isan example:

Or, if you prefer to add the certificate to your own local keychain only (ratherthan for all users), run this command instead:

See also, Directory structures forcertificates.

Note: You need to restart Docker Desktop after making any changes to thekeychain or to the ~/.docker/certs.d directory in order for the changes totake effect.

For a complete explanation of how to do this, see the blog post AddingSelf-signed Registry Certs to Docker & Docker Desktop forMac.

Add client certificates

You can put your client certificates in~/.docker/certs.d/<MyRegistry>:<Port>/client.cert and~/.docker/certs.d/<MyRegistry>:<Port>/client.key.

When the Docker Desktop application starts, it copies the ~/.docker/certs.dfolder on your Mac to the /etc/docker/certs.d directory on Moby (the DockerDesktop xhyve virtual machine).

  • You need to restart Docker Desktop after making any changes to the keychainor to the ~/.docker/certs.d directory in order for the changes to takeeffect.

  • The registry cannot be listed as an insecure registry (see DockerEngine. Docker Desktop ignores certificates listedunder insecure registries, and does not send client certificates. Commandslike docker run that attempt to pull from the registry produce errormessages on the command line, as well as on the registry.

Directory structures for certificates

If you have this directory structure, you do not need to manually add the CAcertificate to your Mac OS system login:

The following further illustrates and explains a configuration with customcertificates:

You can also have this directory structure, as long as the CA certificate isalso in your keychain.

To learn more about how to install a CA root certificate for the registry andhow to set the client TLS certificate for verification, seeVerify repository client with certificatesin the Docker Engine topics.

Install shell completion

Docker Desktop comes with scripts to enable completion for the docker and docker-compose commands. The completion scripts may befound inside, in the Contents/Resources/etc/ directory and can beinstalled both in Bash and Zsh.


Bash has built-in support forcompletion To activate completion for Docker commands, these files need to becopied or symlinked to your bash_completion.d/ directory. For example, if youinstalled bash via Homebrew:

Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile:



In Zsh, the completionsystemtakes care of things. To activate completion for Docker commands,these files need to be copied or symlinked to your Zsh site-functions/directory. For example, if you installed Zsh via Homebrew:


Fish-shell also supports tab completion completionsystem. To activate completion for Docker commands,these files need to be copied or symlinked to your Fish-shell completions/directory.

Create the completions directory:

Now add fish completions from docker.

Give feedback and get help

To get help from the community, review current user topics, join or start adiscussion, log on to our Docker Desktop for Macforum.

To report bugs or problems, log on to Docker Desktop for Mac issues onGitHub,where you can review community reported issues, and file new ones. SeeLogs and Troubleshooting for more details.

For information about providing feedback on the documentation or update it yourself, see Contribute to documentation.

Docker Hub

Select Sign in /Create Docker ID from the Docker Desktop menu to access your Docker Hub account. Once logged in, you can access your Docker Hub repositories and organizations directly from the Docker Desktop menu.

For more information, refer to the following Docker Hub topics:

Two-factor authentication

Docker Desktop enables you to sign into Docker Hub using two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security when accessing your Docker Hub account.

You must enable two-factor authentication in Docker Hub before signing into your Docker Hub account through Docker Desktop. For instructions, see Enable two-factor authentication for Docker Hub.

After you have enabled two-factor authentication:

  1. Go to the Docker Desktop menu and then select Sign in / Create Docker ID.

  2. Enter your Docker ID and password and click Sign in.

  3. After you have successfully signed in, Docker Desktop prompts you to enter the authentication code. Enter the six-digit code from your phone and then click Verify.

After you have successfully authenticated, you can access your organizations and repositories directly from the Docker Desktop menu.

Where to go next

  • Try out the walkthrough at Get Started.

  • Dig in deeper with Docker Labs examplewalkthroughs and source code.

  • For a summary of Docker command line interface (CLI) commands, seeDocker CLI Reference Guide.

  • Check out the blog post, What’s New in Docker 17.06 Community Edition(CE).

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Docker has enabled download rate limits for pull requests on Docker Hub. Limits are determined based on the account type. For more information, see Resource Consumption FAQs and Docker Hub Pricing.

A user’s limit will be equal to the highest entitlement of theirpersonal account or any organization they belong to. To take advantage of this, you must log into Docker Hub as an authenticated user. For more information, seeHow do I authenticate pull requests. Unauthenticated (anonymous) users will have the limits enforced via IP.

  • A pull request is defined as up to two GET requests on registry manifest URLs (/v2/*/manifests/*).
  • A normal image pull makes a single manifest request.
  • A pull request for a multi-arch image makes two manifest requests.
  • HEAD requests are not counted.
  • Limits are applied based on the user doing the pull, and not based on the image being pulled or its owner.

Docker will gradually introduce these rate limits starting November 2nd, 2020.

How do I know my pull requests are being limited

When you issue a pull request and you are over the limit for your account type, Docker Hub will return a 429 response code with the following body when the manifest is requested:

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You will see this error message in the Docker CLI or in the Docker Engine logs.

How can I check my current rate

Valid manifest API requests to Hub will usually include the following rate limit headers in the response:

These headers will be returned on both GET and HEAD requests. Note that using GET emulates a real pull and will count towards the limit; using HEAD will not, so we will use it in this example. To check your limits, you will need curl, grep, and jq installed.

To get a token anonymously (if you are pulling anonymously):

To get a token with a user account (if you are authenticating your pulls) - don’t forget to insert your username and password in the following command:

Then to get the headers showing your limits, run the following:

Which should return headers including these:

This means my limit is 100 per 21600 seconds (6 hours), and I have 76 pulls remaining.

Remember that these headers are best-effort and there will be small variations.

I don’t see any RateLimit headers

If you do not see these headers, that means pulling that image would not count towards pull limits. This could be because you are authenticated with a user associated with a Legacy/Pro/Team Docker Hub account, or because the image or your IP is unlimited in partnership with a publisher, provider, or open source organization.

How do I authenticate pull requests

The following section contains information on how to log into on Docker Hub to authenticate pull requests.

Docker Desktop

If you are using Docker Desktop, you can log into Docker Hub from the Docker Desktop menu.


Click Sign in / Create Docker ID from the Docker Desktop menu and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the sign-in process.

Docker Engine

If you are using a standalone version of Docker Engine, run the docker login command from a terminal to authenticate with Docker Hub. For information on how to use the command, see docker login.

Docker Swarm

If you are running Docker Swarm, you must use the -- with-registry-auth flag to authenticate with Docker Hub. For more information, see docker service create. If you are using a Docker Compose file to deploy an application stack, see docker stack deploy.

GitHub Actions

If you are using GitHub Actions to build and push Docker images to Docker Hub, see login action. If you are using another Action, you must add your username and access token in a similar way for authentication.


If you are running Kubernetes, follow the instructions in Pull an Image from a Private Registry for information on authentication.

Third-party platforms

If you are using any third-party platforms, follow your provider’s instructions on using registry authentication.

Other limits

Docker Hub also has an overall rate limit to protect the application and infrastructure. This limit applies to all requests to Hub properties including web pages, APIs, image pulls, etc. The limit is applied per-IP, and while the limit changes over time depending on loadand other factors, it is in the order of thousands of requests per minute. The overall rate limit applies to all users equallyregardless of account level.

You can differentiate between these limits by looking at the error code. The “overall limit” will return a simple 429 Too Many Requests response. The pull limit returns a longer error message thatincludes a link to this page.

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